Charity's personal headshot

Hey, I'm Charity 👋

I'm a front-end web developer based in Colorado Springs, CO. I specialize in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional websites and blogs.

About Me

I started building websites in 1999, when I taught myself HTML4.0. I soon graduated to XHTML and CSS, which turned to HTML5 and CSS. In 2003, I started working with WordPress by building HTML/CSS layouts and designs and then using WordPress to power the blog, including it into the HTML files using php includes. As time went on, I started using WordPress by itself, creating themes for blogs and websites. Today I customized pre-existing themes and I am working on full-site editing and creation using the block editor.

My preferred technologies are HTML, CSSm and 11ty. I am currently learning Tailwind CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, and am planning to try to advance my JavaScript skills as well as learn React.js.






Get In Touch

If you'd like to work with me, ask a question, or have me write an article or tutorial for you, send me an email by clicking the button below!

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